Senior Industrial Planner

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La certificación BASC por trece años consecutivos a nuestra compañía, ha sido carta de presentación para todos los clientes, dando confianza y seguridad de los servicios que prestamos, incrementando los niveles de productividad y competitividad, posicionándonos en el mercado como una empresa confiable y segura. LOGOO SAS ha sido parte de este proceso, convirtiéndose en un aliado estratégico para Global Logistics Services SAS, al preocuparse y trabajar hombro a hombro para que nosotros sigamos el rumbo del crecimiento. Las ventajas competitivas y comerciales que se logran con la certificación BASC nos mantiene motivados a seguir trabajando por las metas. “Gracias LOGOO SAS por su apoyo.”

Geovanny Silva
Director comercial, Global Logistics Services

Consulting WordPress Theme is always looking for talented people to become its team members. We realize that productive people are always a good addition to our organization. So if you have the financial acumen and the passion to work with some of the biggest companies in the world, join in!

Department: Civil Construction
Project Location(s): Oak Ridge, TN, US
Education: Master’s Degree
Compensation: 22K per annum


Candidates can look forward to regular client contact, a role in business development and proposal writing/methodology creation, and a

  • Assisting senior consultants;
  • Providing legal and scholarly research;
  • Creating reports & Gathering Data
  • Analyzing Data and understanding results
  • Arranging client coordination


  • Limited experience at consultancy preferred;
  • Great interpersonal communication skills;
  • Keen eye for spotting data trends;
  • Great analytical skills;
  • A keen grasp of information technology;
  • Professional demeanor;
  • Personal accountability and strong work ethic;
  • Professional, able to interact with vendors/clients;
  • Positive, “can do” attitude.
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